Hellokity Ransomware Actors Returns Under New Name

The notorious cybercrime group previously known as Hellokity has reemerged under a new alias, “HelloGookie.”

This development was reported by the cybersecurity watchdog MonThreat via their Twitter account.

Hellokity, known for its high-profile cyber-attacks , has been a significant player in digital extortion.

The group gained notoriety for deploying ransomware to infiltrate corporate networks, encrypting data, and demanding hefty ransoms for decryption keys.

Their operations have caused disruptions across various sectors, impacting business operations and consumer data privacy.

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The Rebranding to HelloGookie

According to the details shared by MonThreat, Hellokity has not only changed its name but also appears to have upgraded its ransomware tools and tactics.

This rebranding could be an attempt to evade law enforcement and cybersecurity defenses that had adapted to their previous methodologies.