Italian DPA Asks OpenAI’s ‘Sora’ to Reveal Algorithm Information

The Italian Data Protection Authority (DPA) has initiated a thorough investigation into OpenAI, the American tech giant, following its recent announcement of a cutting-edge AI model named ‘Sora.’

This new model can generate dynamic , realistic, and imaginative scenes from simple text prompts.

Amidst growing concerns over data privacy, the DPA is examining the potential impact ‘Sora’ could have on the handling of personal data within the European Union, with a specific focus on Italian users.

Seeking Transparency in AI Operations

To understand the intricacies of ‘Sora’ and its operations, the Italian DPA has laid out a series of questions for OpenAI .


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The company is expected to respond within a 20-day window, addressing whether ‘Sora’ is currently accessible to the public and if it is being, or will be, made available to users in the European Union, particularly in Italy.

A critical aspect of the DPA’s inquiry revolves around the training process of the ‘Sora’ algorithm.

OpenAI must disclose detailed information on the nature of the data collected and processed for this purpose.

The authority is particularly interested in understanding whether any personal data is being used, and if so, whether it includes sensitive categories such as religious or philosophical beliefs, political opinions, genetic data, health information, or details about an individual’s sexual life.

Furthermore, the DPA seeks clarity on the sources from which this data is derived.

The Italian Data Protection Authority, Garanteprivacy, has initiated an investigation into OpenAI’s ‘Sora’ program.

OpenAI has been instructed to provide detailed information about the algorithm for generating short videos from text instructions.

Compliance with European Regulations

Should ‘Sora’ be offered to EU-based users, the Italian DPA demands that OpenAI confirm whether its user and non-user information protocols and the legal foundations for data processing align with the European Regulation’s stringent requirements.

In a recent tweet from researcher Luiza Jarovsky, The Italian Data Protection Authority has opened an investigation into OpenAI’s Sora.