QakBot Malware Emerges with New Tactics, Attacking Hospitality Industry

QakBot (aka Qbot) primarily targets financial institutions since it is a sophisticated banking trojan and malware.

This malware can facilitate more malicious acts, such as the following, by infecting Windows systems and stealing confidential data, such as banking credentials:-

Wire fraud

Unauthorized access to financial accounts
Besides this, QakBot is often distributed through malicious email attachments or links and has been a significant threat to online banking security.

Recently, cybersecurity researchers at Microsoft Threat Intelligence identified QakBot malware with new tactics, and it was found to be attacking the hospitality industry.

Microsoft has identified new Qakbot phishing campaigns following the August 2023 law enforcement disruption operation. The campaign began on December 11, was low in volume, and targeted the hospitality industry. Targets received a PDF from a user masquerading as an IRS employee. — Microsoft Threat Intelligence (@MsftSecIntel) December 16, 2023 Attacking Hospitality Industry

QakBot resurfaces in phishing scam mimicking IRS emails by sending PDFs posing as IRS personnel, warns Microsoft since December 11th, initially targeting the hospitality sector.

PDF from a user masquerading as an IRS employee (Source – Microsoft on Twitter) However, despite uncertainty about its revival, cybersecurity analysts urged people to watch for reply-chain phishing emails, which are a common method for Qbot distribution.

Qakbot transformed into a delivery service, aiding the following illicit elements and activities:-



Data theft
Distributed through phishing, it leverages reply-chain attacks using stolen email threads to deliver malicious documents or files to infect users.

Types of Files Exploited

Here below, we have mentioned the types of files exploited:-

Word documents

Excel documents

OneNote files

ISO attachments

Here below, we have mentioned all the recommendations offered by the researchers:-

Use Updated Security Software

Employee Training

Network Segmentation

Email Filtering

Strong Authentication

Regular Software Updates

Behavioral Analysis

Backup and Recovery
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